目的 : 研究染色体介导淋病奈瑟菌耐药的机制。方法 : 应用抑制性消减杂交技术构建和筛选耐药淋病奈瑟菌差异DNA消减文库。结果 : 从削减文库中随机挑取的 96个克隆 ,发现其中有 47个克隆仅能与testerDNA探针杂交 ,而不能与driverDNA探针杂交。结论 : 这些克隆中载有特异基因片段 ,它们为RSM2 92C4基因组DNA所特有 ,可能代表某些淋病奈瑟菌新基因。
Objective: To study the mechanism of chromosome-mediated antimicrobial resistence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG).Methods: Using a technique known as suppressive subtractive hybridization to construct and screen the library which contains the differential genes between antimicrobial resistance strain and standard strain of NG, and then, the antimicrobial resistance related genes were cloned.Results:Antimicrobial resistance of NG subtractive library with high subtractive efficiency was set up successfully. The amplified library contained 2500 positive clones. The 47 clones that hybridized only to the subtracted probe were strong candidates for differential genes of antimicrobial resistance NG. Conclusion:The constructed DNA subtractive library of antimicrobial resistance NG is a highly efficient one and lays solid foundation for screening and cloning relational genes of drug resistance of NG.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases