Surgical treatment of complicated traumatic aneurysm and arteriovenous fistula
Surgical treatment of complicated traumatic aneurysm and arteriovenous fistula
Objective: To evaluate the surgical methods and the outcome of management for traumatic arterial aneurysm (TAA) and traumatic arterioveneus fistula (TAVF).Methods: A total of 121 patients with TAA or TAVF were treated by surgery. Clinical, operative and postoperative data were collected and analyzed retrospectively.Results: The surgical techniques includedaneurysmectomy and arterial end-to-end anastomosis or vascular grafting or artery ligation, aneurysm ligation and bypass, vascular repair, fistula excision and vascular ligation or vascular grafting or repair and so on. One patient died (0.83%). The follow-up rates of TAA and TAVF were 65.7% and 60% respectively.Conclusions: Complicated TAA and TAVF in different sites should be treated with different methods.
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