The European broadband power line com-mu ni c a tions(PLC)access systems exemplifies the network sys tem architecture,syst em components,se cu rity,pri vacy and confidentiality,transmission span and c ov erage,inter-cell interference,sig-nalling cou pling,and in stallation. Field trial sug-gests that the pro pogation loss and EMC issue can be re solved by the utiliza tion of high fre quency band in in-door systems and low fre q uency band in out-door sys tems.TDMA and TDD technologies are best op tions.T he maximum repeaterless trans-mis sion dis tance can reach up to250-300m e-ters.The syn chronization of up link and downlink time slots in adjacent PLC sys tems is a way to solve jamming.Appropriate signaling coupling ap-proa ches are im portant to coverage.
World Telecommunications