在偏心受压梁柱 M P φ(弯矩 轴力 曲率 )关系的基础上 ,分析了从弹性到塑性状态时梁柱截面刚度的变化规律 ,建立了弹塑性梁柱非线性分析的变截面法 ,即采用幂函数模拟塑性梁柱截面惯性矩变化规律。应用此法可将梁柱的非线性问题转化为几何非线性问题。用本方法对实际算例的分析结果与已有的解析法结果相符。此方法为进一步研究梁柱的非线性行为提供了一种新的思路。
A varying section method for nonlinear analysis of beam-column is presented in this paper,which adopts a power function to simulate the changing stiffness of the cross section based on the relationship of eccentric compressed beam -column. It can transform nonlinear analysis of beam-column into geometry nonlinear problem and the samples are also given which results are in well concordance with those of present analytic method. The varying section method presented in this paper can be regarded as a basic research of the elastic-plastic beam-column.
Journal of Henan University of Science And Technology:Natural Science