论述了11.22 m泥水平衡盾构的基本工作原理,介绍了泥水平衡盾构法施工中自动控制的流程。重点说明了盾构本体、泥水输送系统、泥水处理系统和同步注浆系统中低压电器的工作原理。通过对目前世界上最先进的施工机械——11.22m泥水平衡盾构的介绍,可以追踪到当今世界在自动控制和低压电器领域的最近技术及发展方向。
The basic working principle of the 11. 22 m slush balancing shield was dealt with. An introduction of the technological progress of the automatic control in the construction which uses the slush balancing shield method was given. The working principle of shield, slush transportation system, slush disposal system and the low-voltage apparatus equipment in the simultaneous slush pouring system were emphatically explained. Through the introduction of the 11. 22 m slush balancing shield, the most advanced construction machine in the world at the moment, the trail of the latest technology and the development in the field of the automatic control and low-voltage apparatus equipment in today' s world can be followed.
Low Voltage Apparatus