1984—1985年在宁夏六盘山地区采集到一批蝮蛇标本,经鉴定为蝮蛇—新亚种——蝮蛇六盘山亚种 Agkistrodon halys liupanensis subsp.nov.新亚种不同于我国已有的三个亚种的鉴别特征是:1)雌雄异形;2)体侧从头至尾有一白色纵线;3)中段背鳞19~21;4)腹鳞加尾下鳞192~201.新亚种迄今所知主要分布于宁夏六盘山,东至甘肃庆阳地区,分布海拔高度1800~2800米.
The Pallas pit viper which was collected from the Liupan Mountainduring 1984—1985 in Ningxia Huizu Autonomous Region was identified asa new subspecies of the Agkistrodon halys(Pallas).Agkistrodon halys liupanensis subsp.nov.Holotype:85001 an adult male,July 16,1985,at an altitude of 2,100m Allotype.85004 an adult female,July 13,1985,at an altitude of2300m.The holotype and allotype were collected from the Liupan Mountain.The type specimens are deposited in Department of Biology,LanzhouUniversity.Diagnosis:The new subspecies differs from the other 3 subspecies of ourcountry in 1)difference between the females and the males in morpha;2)bodysides with the white lines from head to tail;3)19—21 rows of dorsalscales in the middle body;4)ventrals+subcaudals 192—201(on an average196).Geographical distribution:The Liupan Mountain east to the Qingyangarea in Gansu Province.
Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences)