
自动移床3D CES MRA在下肢动脉检查中的初步应用

Preliminary applications of three dimensional contrast-enhanced subtraction MRA with the automatic floating table in lower extremity arterial disease
摘要 目的 :探讨自动移床 3维增强减影MR血管造影 (3DCESMRA)在下肢动脉疾病检查中的应用价值。方法 :16例临床怀疑下肢动脉性病变者进行了自动移床 3DCESMRA检查 ,原始图像经减影后作最大密度投影 (MIP)重建。结果 :所有病例的血管均显示满意 ,其中 11例可见不同部位和分支动脉狭窄或闭塞 ,阳性诊断率为 6 8.7%。结论 :初步结果表明 ,自动移床 3DCESMRA检查技术对下肢动脉病变有重要诊断价值。 Objective:To study the value of three dimensional contrast enhanced subtraction MRA with the automatic floating table in patients with lower extremity arterial disease.Methods:Sixteen cases suspected of lower extremity arterial disease underwent 3D CES MRA with automatic floating table, the source images were subtraction from mask images followed by maximum intensity projection (MIP) reconstruction.Results:The target vessels were well demonstrated in all patients.Stenosis or occlusion of different region and branch vessel were found in 11 cases of 16 cases,the positive diagnostic rate were 68.7%.Conclusion:Preliminary clinical applications of 3D CES MRA with automatic floating table has important diagnostic efficacy in evaluating lower extremity arterial disease.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2004年第3期194-195,共2页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 磁共振血管造影术 减影技术 动脉疾病 Magnetic resonance angiography Subtraction technique Artery disease
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