Purpose: To study the effect of different diffusion weighting on ADC and FA measurements of normal brain. Materials and Methods: Seven different diffusion weightings(b0 = 0, b1 = 500s/mm2, b2 = 1000s/mm2, b3 = 1500s/mm2, b4= 2000s/mm2, b5 = 2500s/mm2 and b6 = 3000s/mm2) were applied in twenty normal brains in diffusion tensor imaging. The brain ADC and FA maps were calculated using six combinations of the seven different b values(b0b1, b0b2, b0b3, b0h4,b0b5 and b0h6) . The average of the ADC and FA were measured and compared in the centrum semiovale, posterior limb of the internal capsule, genu of corpus callosum, sple-nium of corpus callosum, thalamus, caudate nucleus, and body part of lateral ventricle. Results: The measured ADC was significantly decreased accompanied with increase of b values(P < 0.05) . The measured FA was not affected by the strength of b values (P > 0.05) .Conclusion: The strength of b values influence measurement of ADC, but not FA. Attention must be paid to choice of diffusion strength regarding clinical study.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging