痛风是长期嘌呤代谢障碍、血尿酸增高引起的代谢性疾病 ,高尿酸血症是痛风的重要生化基础。过去本病在亚洲或东方人中比较少见 ,在欧美较为多见 ,但自 2 0世纪 90年代以后 ,日本、台湾等地区经济迅速发展 ,痛风及高尿酸血症逐渐成为常见病 ,我国在 2 0世纪 80年代后患病情况也有上升趋势。
Gout is a metabolic disease of tissue damage due to long-term purine metabolic disturbance, rising serum uric acid. Hyperuricemia (HUM) is the important biochemical foundation. The disease was rare in the orient in the past, but after 1950's, gout and HUM become common in Japan and Taiwan. The ascendant trend appears in the prevalence of gout and HUM in our country after 1980's. This text reviews the advance of epidemiological study on gout and hyperuricemia.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention
达能膳食营养与宣教基金 (DIC2 0 0 2 - 10 )