青海湖是全国最大的内陆咸水湖 ,不仅以浩大和湖内盛产湟鱼及有众多的鸟闻名 ,更以有鸟岛、沙岛、沙山等自然旅游资源而受世人关注。随着西部大开发和社会经济的发展 ,发展青海湖生态旅游业具有重要的经济、社会和生态效益。文章在分析青海湖生态旅游资源特征的基础上 ,探讨了发展青海湖生态旅游业的意义 ,并提出了发展青海湖生态旅游业的目标、原则、布局。
The Qinghai Lake is the largest inland salt lake in China. There are not only a lot of naked carp and birds, but also the Bird island, sand island, sand mountain and other physical tourism resources as well. More and more People were attracted by the Qinghai Lake. With the western development and society economic development, it has very important social, economical and ecological effects to develop the ecotourism of the Qinghai Lake. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the Qinghai Lake ecotourism resources, the significance of developing the Qinghai Lake ecotourism was discussed, and the possibility, objective, principles, layout, building contents and channels of the Qinghai Lake ecotourism were proposed.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
青海省自然科学基金项目"青海高寒沙区流动沙丘特性及快速治理技术研究"(99-0 7-0 7)
科技部项目 (2 0 0 2 BA5 17A -0 9-0 3 -0 4)资助