目的 探讨老年人慢性硬膜下血肿的手术方式。方法 采用硬膜下血肿单纯钻孔引流、单孔冲洗引流 ,双孔冲洗引流三种术式并进行临床和CT观察。结果 3种术式皆有良好疗效 ,其中以慢性硬膜下血肿直接单纯钻孔流为最佳术式。结论 老年人慢性硬膜下血肿钻孔引流是一种有效 ,简单的手术方法 ,低密度或等密度血肿 ,可选择单纯钻孔引流。
Objective To explore the operative modes of the chronic subdural hematoma in the old people. Methods The three approaches that the trepanation and drainage,the trepanation and irrigation and the bipunctate trepanation and irrigation were performed to treat the chronic subdural hematoma in the old people. The efficacy was analyzed through the clinical observation and CT inspection. Results All the three approaches were very efficacious,but the trepanation and drainage was the best one among them. Conclusion The trepanation and drainage of the chronic subdural hematoma in the old people is very efficacious and simple. For the low density or equal density hematoma,the best choice is the direct trepanation and drainage.
Journal of Chinese Physician