以往红学界在研究并评述发生在 195 4年的那场运动时 ,研究者多沿袭的是传统的批判历史学的方法 ,侧重于从政治和人事的角度探究其历史成因 ,评判其历史功过。《红学 :195 4》一书在真实再现那场运动历史原貌的同时 ,更将对其的研究上升到思辨历史学的高度 ,通过对思想的重演及对思想的反思探究其历史成因及动因。这种带有浓重反思意味的研究 ,不仅有助于一些历史遗留问题的解决 ,同时对当代红学研究亦颇具启示作用。
When the researchers in the study of A Dream of Red Mansions studied and remarked the movement in 1954,they usually adopted a critically historic way which emphasizes finding out the historical reasons in a political or personnel view.Yet the book of The Study of A Dream of Red Mansions:1954 not only replayed factually the historical truths of that movement,but also improved it to a thinking history level for a profound reflection on it.The study with profound reflection can helps restore the historical truths meanwhile solve the problems left behind in history.It will also give some suggestions on the modern study of A Dream of Red Mansions .
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)