武亿是乾嘉间著名的金石考据学家、经学家和文学家。一生著述宏富 ,著作涉及经学、史学、金石考据、方志、诗文等不同文化层面 ,具有丰富文化内涵。本文以经史子集为序 ,略考其著述 ,评其价值 ,述其版流 ,得经学著作 4种 ,金石考据著作 9种 ,方志著作 3种 ,文学著作 2种 ,校补著作一部 5种。
WU Yi was a famous scholar major in textual criticism on inscriptions on bronze ware and tablets,study of Confucian Classics and Literature in the yesrs of Emperor Qianlong.He wrote a lot of books in his life covering different cultural levels of the study of Confucian Classics,history,textual criticism on inscriptions on bronze ware and tablets,local chronicles,poems etc.and having rich cultural intension.According to the order of the four traditional division of Chinese library which refer to classical works,historical works,philosophical works and belleslettres,this essay investigated Wu's books,commented on its value and narrated its different editions,gaining four kinds of his works on the study of Confucian Classics,nine of textual criticism on inscriptions on bronze ware and tablets,three of local chronicles,two of literature and five kinds of one collating and complementary book.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)