满洲里地处中、俄、蒙交界 ,是商家必争之地。俄、蒙人口稀少 ,自然资源丰富 ,中国有廉价的劳动力和一定的资金、技术 ,所以在满洲里可兴建各种加工业。满洲里的旅游资源也十分丰富 ,达赉湖风光无限 ,又是各种珍禽的故乡 ,呼伦贝尔大草原、冰雪世界及蒙古和俄罗斯风情等都是稀缺的旅游资源。在工业、旅游、商贸的相互促进下 。
The Manzhouli area positions among the borders of China,Russia and Mongolia' it is always the hot spot for all business companies.The populations are not very dense in both Russia and Mongolia,but on the contrary,they both have plenty of nature resources.However,China has its advantage in the fields of labor,technology and capital,so it is very profitable if Chinacan invest to set up all kinds of machining industries in above areas.Furthermore,Manzhouli also attracts lots of tourists dueto its beautiful nature reserve.Its lake and prairie feed many kinds of treasurable birds.It is its unique advantage compared withall of other areas,because they definitely do not have both the trade advantage and tourism advantage as well in one area.TheIce & Snow World and the different cultures in different countries mean a lot to the inland people and the people all over theworld.All the tourists can feel and enjoy ann of the three countries' cultures at the same place and same time.Being promoted by all tourism,trade and industry,Manzhouli has its wonderful economic prospects as the international trade and tourism center.
The Border Economy and Culture