
4种农药对水稻籽粒生长模型参数的影响 被引量:14

Effects of Four Pesticides on Grain Growth Parameters of Rice
摘要 研究了稻田常用的4种农药对水稻籽粒充实的影响。于水稻破口期一次性标记200个稻穗。后每隔4d每小区取回20个稻穗烘干。每稻穗分别摘取10粒强势粒和弱势粒,去壳称重,计算百粒米重。根据籽粒生长模型,计算起始生长势R0,旺盛生长期△t,旺盛生长期内干物质累积生长量GT,最大生长速率Vmax及饱和生长量K。结果表明,强弱势粒的所有上述参数均受到农药处理不同程度的影响。其中吡虫啉2个剂量(有效成分22.5gha-1、45gha-1)处理GT、K值与对照相比分别下降10.68%、0.59%和8.79%、8.66%。高剂量处理△t比对照缩短4.57d。井冈霉素高剂量(有效成分225gha-1)处理△t也显著变小。吡虫啉高剂量对弱势粒增重和生长速率影响显著,在旺盛生长期内GT比对照下降29.88%。田间考种结果显示,吡虫啉低剂量和高剂量处理千粒重分别比对照下降3.88%和9.77%。其它处理影响不显著。 The effect of four commonly used pesticides, triadlmefon, jingganmycin, triazoplos and imidacloprid, on graingrowth parameters during rice grain filling was examined using growth equation in the present experiment. Two hundreds ofspike without damage by pests were simultaneously marked per plot during heading stage of rice. Rice plants were sprayed at 1day after marking. Thereafter, 20 spikes were sampled at 4 days interval and dried at oven. Then, 10 superior and inferior grainswere picked per spike, and brown rice was weighed after shelling, respectively. First, second and third order derivates werededuced from the following grain growth formula:e1+-=btaKW Where W was the weight of 100- grain brown rice at t time, K wasmaximum of grain growth, a and b were parameters of the formula. The parameters were calculated as follows:+=e12e0aKbaR,△t=t2-t1, ()()12max124ttttVbKGT--==,4maxbKV=Where R0, △t, GT and Vmax were initial growth power, active growth stage, cumulative weight of dried content during△t and maximum growth rate, respectively. The result showed that GT and K of superior grain following spraying ofimidacloprid at the active ingredient rate of 22.5gha-1 and 45gha-1 reduced significantly, and △t significantly decreasedin jingganmycin treatments at the active ingredient rates of 45gha-1 and 225gha-1. In addition, high dose of imidaclopridsignificantly reduced the weight of 1000-grain by 9.77%. However, there was no significant difference between high doseof jingganmycin and control in 1000-grain weight, indicating effective duration of jingganmycin on grain filling was shorterthan that of imidacloprid.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期376-381,共6页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30070122)
关键词 水稻 籽粒生长模型 农药 负效应 籽粒充实 参数 Pesticide Rice Grain growth Parameters Effect
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