在党的群众路线指导下 ,新民主主义革命时期在政治制度和司法原则的确立 ,司法机关的设置、司法人员的选任、司法民主作风的建设 ,起 (上 )诉主体范围的扩大、起 (上 )诉方式的简便、诉讼费用的减免 ,就地审判制度、巡回审判制度、公开审判制度、人民调解制度的创立和实行等方面进行了民主司法制度建设。它是新中国人民司法制度的前身和直接渊源。
During the New Democratic Revolution the democratic and judicial system were built under the mass line of the Party such as the establishment of political system and judicial principle, the setting of judicial organs, the empanelling of judicial personnel, the building of judicial democracy style, the expansion of prosecutor (appellant), the simplification of prosecution (appellate) procedure, the remittal of lawsuit fare, the foundation and implement of on-the-spot judicial system, circuit judicial system, open judicial system and the people`s intermediation system, which is the predecessor and direct origin of the people`s judicial system of the new China and is the important apocalypse for the present reform of judicial system.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences