表象上 ,1 81 5年建立的德意志邦联符合一般理解的邦联制 ;1 82 0~ 30年代对德意志邦联进行的政治、军事改革给邦联注入了强烈的联邦制因素。而以近代宪法真谛和宪政精神来衡量 ,德意志邦联就根本不是联邦制国家 ,甚至连是否具备邦联资格都成为问题。实质上 ,德意志邦联是用邦联形式组织起来、并且又增添了联邦制的若干形式要素的。
Seemingly the federation of Germany founded in 1815 was indeed a confederacy according to the common understanding. From the 1820`s to 1830`s, the political and military reform of the federation of Germany transfused strong factor of confederacy into the federation. But the federation of Germany was not a federal country at all and even was doubted about its qualification as a federation according to the essence and spirit of the modern constitution. The federation of Germany was virtually a federation of feudal monarchy in the form of confederacy integrating the factor of federation, which suppressed the liberal democracy unification movement.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences