笔者从尖劈尖端的弱式控制方程出发导出虚功原理 ,然后通过非协调元离散 ,得到一个基于位移的、分析尖劈尖端奇异性问题的特征方程。该方法与过去原有求解裂纹尖端近似场的有限元特征分析方法导出公式的出发点不同 ,并且采用的单元形式为非协调元 ,尖劈尖端邻域内的位移场假定没有采用奇异变换技术。通过求解特征方程获得奇性应力指数 ,并以此判断尖劈和接头的安全性 ,运用该方法对若干尖劈和接头进行安全性评估。所有的计算结果表明 ,笔者方法较原有方法使用的单元少而且精度高。
The virtue work equation is derived from the weak form of the control equation surrounding a wedge tip, then it undergoes discretization of a kind of non-confirming element, accordingly, a characteristic formula based on displacement is developed for studying the singular fields surrounding a wedge tip. The educed characteristic formula is different from existing finite element analytical method for asymptotic fields near the crack tip, the form of the element is non-confirming element, and the singular transformation technique is not used in the assumption of displacement fields surrounding the wedge tip. Through the singularities obtained from the characteristic formula the safety of the wedges and junctions can be known. Some illustrative evaluating examples of safety evaluation of some wedges and junctions are presented. All calculations show that present method needs fewer elements, and yields more accurate results.
China Safety Science Journal
江西省自然科学基金资助 (0 112 0 0 1)