

The value concept of quality education
摘要 素质教育的提出、实施和推进,是在教育观念特别是教育价值观念转变的条件下,在新的教育价值观念的指导下进行的。素质教育,无论从理论层面,还是从实践层面,都包含着一定的价值观念、价值精神。素质教育所主张和坚持的价值理念、价值精神,是社会价值与个人价值的统一,科学价值与人文价值的统一,效率价值与公平价值的统一。 The advancement, implementation and promotion of quality education are conducted under the guidance of the new value concept of education. In both theoretical sense and practice, quality education contains certain value concept and spirit that symbolizes the unity of social value and personal value, the unity of science value and humanity value, the unity of efficiency value and justice value.
作者 赵剑民 赵浩
出处 《中华女子学院学报》 2004年第2期21-25,共5页 Journal of China Women's University
关键词 素质教育 传统教育 价值理念 quality education traditional education value concept
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  • 2[苏]科恩(Кон,И·С·) 著,佟景韩.自我论[M]生活·读书·新知三联书店,1986.
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