Objective:To investigate whether gut origin bacterial translocation(BT)occurs after spinal cord in-jury(SCI)with paraplegia in rats.Method:Model of paraplegia was built up by injuring spinal cord of rat.The experimental group was rats of paraplegia,the control group was normal rats.The samples were collected at12hrs,24hrs and48hrs after spinal cord injury.Under aseptic manipulation,samples of blood,liver,spleen,mesen-teric lymph node(MLN)and intestinal contents were collected for bacterial cultures and endotoxin detection.The jejunum and ileum were observed by light and electron microscope.Result:Bacterial translocation and en-dotoxemia appeared24hrs and48hrs after spinal cord injury complicating paraplegia.Bacterial growth was found in MLN culture at24hrs post-injury and in blood,liver,spleen and mesenteric lymph node culture at48hrs post-injury with positive rates of50%,62.5%,75%and100%respectively.Translocational bacteria were mainly bacillus coli,Enterobacter cloaca,Escherichia coli,Vulgaris and Enterococcus faecalis.Conclusion:Gut ori-gin bacterial translocation will occur after spinal cord injury in rats,which indicates that antibiotics should be administrate to patients with spinal cord injury complicating paraplegia as soon as possible to prevent potential bacterial translocation.
Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord