探讨了Mn(Ⅱ )— (NH4) 2 S2 O8—FeSO4体系的最佳反应条件 ,提出以廉价易得的硫酸亚铁替代Mn(Ⅱ )—(NH4) 2 S2 O8—AgNO3 反应体系中价格昂贵的硝酸银 ,以此测定化工产品中微量锰的含量。试验表明 ,(NH4) 2 S2 O8—FeSO4测定微量锰具有方法简便、成本低廉、重现性好的优点。采用此法测定工业品硫酸亚铁中锰的含量 ,其结果与KIO4法和 (NH4) 2 S2 O8—AgNO3
We have discussed the optimum reacting condition of the Mn(Ⅱ)-(NH 4) 2S 2O 8-FeSO 4 system and proposed that the catalysis of the high-priced silver nitrate in the Mn(Ⅱ)-(NH 4) 2S 2O 8-AgNO 3 reacting system can be substituted by the catalysis of the low -priced and facile ferrous sulfate.This method can be used in the determination of trace manganese ion of chemical products.The trical indicates that this method has the advantages of convenience,low-price and good repeatability.The analytical result of trace manganese ion content in commercial product FeSO 4 is in accordance with the analytical result of the KIO 4 and the (NH 4) 2S 2O 8-FeSO 4-AgNO 3 method.
Chemical Industry Times