
论过程哲学 被引量:30

About Process Philosophy
摘要 过程哲学在国外被看作是一切新思想的来源,是后现代思想的组成部分。文章评述过程哲学产生发展的情况;分析了过程哲学以相互联系、相互依赖的过程重新解读本体论的实在;它用规劝性的上帝、有感觉、有爱的上帝代替了刚性的上帝;它支持一种彻底的生态学世界观,即承认人类与自然之复杂的相互关系,因而承认事物之间的相互依赖,由此也支持了生态女权主义和“生态纪”学说。这对于解决当前的全球生态危机有重要意义。 Process philosophy is the part of postmodern thought in the western countries and the resource for any new thoughts. This paper reviews the development of process philosophy. On ontology, process philosophy revisions reality. The God is persuasive, feeling and having love in process philosophy to take the place of mechanistic God. Its ecology is that human beings have very complex interrelationship with Nature, and then there are inter-dependence among things in the universe, so that it supports ecological feminism and theory of Ecozoic Era, which is important for ecological crisis.
出处 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期24-28,共5页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 过程哲学 相互依赖 生态女权主义 生态纪 process philosophy inter-dependence ecological feminism Ecozoic Era
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