192 5年 3月孙中山弃世意味着国民党革命事业之孙中山时代的结束 ,经过一年多“后孙中山时期”的短暂过渡 ,开启了蒋介石时代 ,确立了以孙中山的少壮幕僚和家属为核心的派系在党和政府中的领导地位。当时广东各类“土客矛盾”相当严重 ,从英、俄两国到众多“客军”等饱含冲突对立的外国和外省新老因素聚集于广东一隅 ,相互缠斗 ,复与原处竞争中的各种新旧本土成分争夺。地方意识和国际冲突的奇特结合使广州政局的纠葛至为错综复杂 ,各方的矛盾更多是实际利益的冲突 ,但权势争夺的表述却往往回避实质性内容 。
The death of Sun Yat sen in March 1925 marked the end of a stage in the Kuomintang (Nationalist) Partys revolutionary cause. After a transitional period of just a year, Chiang Kai shek took power and a new stage began. The young military staffers of Sun and his relatives rose to dominant positions in the KMT and government. Old and new external forces——including Great Britain, Soviet Russia and armies based in other provinces——were by this time competing for Guangdong. The old and new battled with local forces in a belligerent atmosphere. The juxtaposition of local with international conflicts produced an entangled mess and confusion in the political arena in Canton. Conflict between the parties, mostly over practical interests, were often expressed under the cloak of nationalism.
Historical Research