There are more than 3 000 manufacturers for all kinds of WBP processing and 40 kinds of products in Pizhou. The products are exported to USA Europe. Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and Mid-east countries etc. In 2003. the whole production volume is 5 million m^3, production value is 9.6 billion RMB. profit and duty are 0.68 billion RMB, expert value is 0.89 billion RMB which represents 40% of the whole nation export volume. There are two development phases of the plywood industry of Pizhou. 1. First period (2004-2010): Up to 2010, the wholeproduction volume of WBP will be 9 million m^3, among which plywood products 8 million m^3. HDF(MDF) 500 thousand m^3, particleboard (includes plaster PB and concrete PB) 500 thousand m^3, panel furniture 15 thousand sets(plexces). In 2010, the WBP production value should account 33.8% to the whole industry production value of Pizhou city. 2. Second period(2010-2019): The main target is to enlarge production scale, improve products grade, develop value added products such as high quality WBP, furniture and laminite flooring create plywood brand of Pizhou. Up to 2019, the whole WBP production volume will reach to 18 million m^3, plywood 14 million m^3. HDF(MDF)2 million m^3. berticleboard 2 million m^3, furniture(includes wooden furniture)100 thousand sets (pieces). The production value of WBP and furniture industry will reach 50 billion RMB. The ratio of wood comprehensive utilization should be incressed to over 90% that is the level in developed countries.
International Wood Industry