根据某大型磷酸—磷铵企业40万t/a硫酸厂SO_2不同转化率下的事故排放影响预测结果,进行了磷酸—磷铵企业SO_2事故排放对植物危害的评价。评价结果表明,在所设定的气象条件下,SO_2转化率为66%、95%、97%时,事故排放的SO_2对敏感植物、中等敏感植物有不同程度的危害影响;但当SO_2转化率提高至99%或99.4%时,SO_2的地面浓度均低于0.26mg/m^3,接触SO_2 8h使任何植物产生伤害的叶片应在5%以下。
The impact of SO_2 accidental discharge on plants was assessed based on prediction results of SO_2 with different conversion rate in a four hundred thousand ton sulfur dioxide works attached to a large scale phosphoric acid-diammonium phosphate group. Results showed that SO_2 accidental discharge made various extent of harmful impacts on sensitive and medium sensitive plants in the condition of set climate when the conversion rate of SO_2 was 66%, 95% and 97% respectively.However, when the conversion rate improved up to 99% or 99.4%, SO_2 ground concentration was lower than 0.26 mg/m^3 on average, and injured leaves of plants should be less than 5% if the touching time last for 8h.
Environmental Science & Technology