全球化的发展趋势 ,为东西文化的交融与互补提供了可能。与此同时 ,东西文化现代性发生和发展的不平衡性 ,向发展中的东方文化提出了新的要求。中国文化是东方文化的重要组成 ,在中国现当代文学的发展过程中 ,呈现出启蒙策略、革命策略与退守策略三种文化现代性的建设方案。它们彼此冲突又相互影响 ,构成了中国现当代文学与文化发展的复杂的历史状况。文化东亚的客观存在 ,使得中国及日本、朝鲜和韩国等东亚各国现当代文学在文化全球化以及现代东方文化发展道路上肩负着重要的文化使命 ,深入研究与探讨中国及东亚现当代文学的现当代性之路也便有着重要的现实意义。
Globalization, which emerged in the 1990s, provides both a new perspective in the study of the relations between the Eastern culture and the Western culture and a new way of exploring the development of modern literature in East Asian countries. First of all, Chinese literature was brought into line with globalization the same time as it became modern. Therefore, research into Chinese literature in the context of globalization also means the study of the developmental strategy of Chinese literature modernization. Historically speaking, the three cultural strategies to develop modern culture - enlightening, revolution and retreat - were worked out in the development of modern Chinese literature. They influenced and conflicted with each other in practice, forming pluralistic cultural orientations in modern Chinese literature and various cultural patterns in literary aesthetics. Now Chinese literature still has a long way to go modern in the present-day context of globalization. What strategies to adopt to jointly build global culture calls for serious consideration. Secondly, globalization features culture shock and cultural integration/acculturation in various areas. Therefore, it is necessary to take East Asia as a cultural entirety. In terms of the formation of Eastern culture, three cultural circles have come into being: the East Asia cultural circles with Chinese culture as the center, the South Asia cultural circles with Indian culture as the center, and the West Asia-North Africa cultural circles with the Arabic culture as the center. The modern literature in China and other East Asian countries has played an important historical role in the cultural globalization and the development of modern Eastern culture. The literature of East Asian countries share the same cultural heritage and the fine tradition of close communication in modern and present-day times, which provides a good basis for the development of contemporary literature of these countries. Furthermore, their rapid economic growth has guaranteed the said development. Eastern culture will eventually give a new luster with the development of contemporary literature of East Asian countries.
Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
Esatern culture
modern literature in East Asia
cultural selection