应用 3S技术对天津湿地环境进行调查 ,结合地面采集的历史和现状数据 ,全面分析了天津湿地环境变迁的自然和人为因素。近一个世纪以来 ,天津湿地持续减少 ,天然湿地丧失殆尽 ,人为因素影响是天津湿地环境变迁的主要原因。城市拓展、经济开发对湿地的占用以及水环境污染是目前湿地面临的主要威胁。保护天津湿地要从搞好城市土地利用规划、调整产业结构、控制水污染、加强湿地保护区管理、尽快制定湿地保护法等方面入手。
Useing the 3S technology to carry out the investigations to the wetland environment of Tianjin city, combining history of the ground and current situation data, have been analysed in the nature of the wetland environmental changes of Tianjin city and man made factors. Since last century, the wetland of Tianjin city has been reduced continuously, the natural wetland is exhausted, the human influences have been become the main reason that is the wetland environmental changes of Tianjin. City expand, economic development take to the wetland and water environmental pollution are the main threat to the wetland at present. Protecting Tianjin wetland need to do well urban land utilize and plan, to adjust the industrial structure, to control the water pollution, to strengthens the management of protection zone of wetland, to issues protection wetlands law,etc. and to start with as soon as possible.
Wetland Science