系统地总结了设备故障诊断技术在包钢薄板坯连铸连轧厂设备维护管理中解决 2 10t转炉一次除尘风机振动问题的实践应用。反映了设备故障诊断作为一种科学的设备技术管理手段在钢铁企业处理设备问题中发挥的作用 ,并展望了其在设备维护管理方面的应用前景。
The actual application of the machine fault diagnose technology on vibration faults of the 210 ton converter dirt fan in CSP Plant is summarized, reflecting a prospective future of the technology as an important equipment technical management measure in the role of dealing with equipment problems as well as in the maintenance management in the steel industry.
Science & Technology of Baotou Steel