亨利八世时期的宗教改革遭到了保守派贵族以及习惯于旧传统的民众的反对 ,为了把改革进行下去 ,当时的首席大臣托马斯·克伦威尔在亨利八世的支持下采取了一系列强制措施 ,包括《叛逆法》的修订及其实施、侦缉与告密、武力镇压等等 ,这些措施保证了英国的宗教改革得以推行 ,并且没有发生大的动乱。
Reformation of Henry VIII was opposed by conservative noble and common people who were used to tradition. In order to carry through the Reformation, Cromwell who was the first minister at that time took a series of measures and pressures supported with Henry VIII including the amendments law of treason; treason trials; investigations and reports; suppressions with force. All these measures ensure the reformation without much trouble.
Journal of Capital Normal University:Social Science Edition