
GIS在三峡流域水文模拟中的应用 被引量:19

Application of GIS in simulation of river basin hydrology in Three Gorges Project reservoir
摘要 本文在三峡区间6个小流域上由人工率定了新安江模型参数,在地理信息系统平台上推求了流域地理地貌特征值。采用相关分析的方法,对自由水蓄水容量SM、地下水出流系数KG、壤中流出流系数KI、马斯京根法汇流系数X等模型参数和下垫面地形、地质、植被等特征值建立了相关关系。由相关关系和特征值采用反演的方法推求上述参数的反演值。经小流域模拟验证,相关关系是可靠的,在实际降雨径流模拟中能达到一定的精度。因此,由特征值反演参数的方法可移用于无资料地区,解决此类地区模型参数的率定问题。本文提出的方法已应用于长江三峡区间实时洪水预报中。 The parameters of the Xinanjiang model for simulating basin hydrology are calibrated by the data of six sub-basins in the river basin of Three Gorges Project reservoir.On the platform of GIS the underlying surface characteristrics of the river basin including vegetation,soil and geomorphy are obtained.The relationship between these characteristics and the hydrological parameters such as capacity of free water(SM),coefficient of surface runoff(KI),coefficient of groundwater runoff(KG)as well as the flow concentration parameter of Muskingum Method(X) are established by means of correlation analysis. The validity of the deduced parameters is verified by using reverse calculation method according to the measured runoff.This method is applied to real-time flood forecasting of the Three Gorges Project.
出处 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期15-20,共6页 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
关键词 GIS 特征值 流域水文模型 参数率定 GIS topographic characteristics Xinanjiang hydrologymodel parameter calibration reverse calculation
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