
面向对象-规则语言系统的实现及在威胁估计中的应用 被引量:1

Implementation of an object-oriented rule language system and its application in threat assessment
摘要 针对C3I软件系统的需求和现有规则语言系统的不足,提出了一种把面向对象语言范型和规则语言范型相结合的混合语言系统,设计了该语言的语法,实现了编译器和规则引擎。该规则语言系统允许规则程序和C++程序交叉引用,弥补了自封闭规则系统的不足,满足了C3I软件系统中C/C++程序模块与规则程序模块交互和协作的要求。通过在C3I情报处理系统中的应用,证明使用规则来编码威胁优先级、告警级别等应用逻辑,能够把这些易变的部分与系统的其它部分独立开来,增强了系统的可维护性。 Under the requirements of C^3I software system, a hybrid language system, which integrates object-oriented and rule-based paradigms, was proposed against the deficiency of the existing rule languages. The syntax of this language was designed, and the compiler and rule engine were implemented. The proposed rule language system can integrate rule language and C++ language, overcome the defect of standalone rule language systems, and satisfy the requirements of interaction and collaboration between modules encoded with rule language and C++ language in C^3I software systems. By the application of this language system to the C^3I information processing system, the conclusion shows that encoding threat assessment rules with our rule-based language system makes these frequently-changed business logics independent of other stable parts of a system and therefore improves the maintainability of a system.
作者 刘晓健 陈平
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期444-448,共5页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项基金(K014010422) "十五"国防预先研究项目基金(413150501)资助课题
关键词 基于规则的语言 规则编译器 威胁估计 rule-based language rule compiler threat assessment
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