认同 (identity)是对我是谁、我在哪里的反思性理解。文化认同是认同的核心内容。认同理论对世界区域化研究具有重要的指导意义。世界区域化进程并非始于近代。伴随着人类走向文明的脚步 ,人类历史的横向发展就开始超越国家界限 ,从而形成了不同的区域世界。虽然这种区域世界的发展长期以来都是以某个主导的国家为中心而展开的 ,但它是人类走向整体的世界历史的重要一步。
Identity, with the core of cultural identity, refers to a reflexive understanding about who I am and where I stand. From this perspective, the theory of identity is an important guidance to the study of world regionalization. The process of world regionalization did not begin at modern times. With the step to civilization, the horizontal development course of history went beyond the boundary of states, regional world taking shape. The progress of regional world has been unfolded around a dominant state, but it’s a great step to the whole world history.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition