This paper studies the metaphase karyotype and intraspecific polymorphism of culex pipiens quinquefasciatus. It aims at probing into the differences of heredity in each subspecies of culex pipiens complex. The method is as follows: third-instar larvae at senior stage or fourth-instar larvae at junior stage are selected. The larvae are reared in 0.086% colchicines for 3.5~4 hours, the brain ganglia of the larvae are put into 0.075mol/L KCL fluid for 30 minutes and fixed in fixation fluid, the air-dired slides are stained with Giemsa. The result show that the number of culex pipiens quiquefasciatus karyptype is 6 (2n=6) with XY type. No. II and No. III belong to autosome. No. I belong to chromosome. All of chromosomes are metacentric. Many 4n cells have been observed in metaphase karyotypes. Its significance of evolution still needs to be further studied. Still more research work is needed to be done on whether culex pipiens quinquefasciatus has polymorphism of sex chromosome or not.
culex pipiens quinquefascinatus
metaphase karyotype
intraspecific polymorphism