
Changes in liquid clearance of alveolar epithelium after oleic acid-induced acu telung injury in rats 被引量:2

Changes in liquid clearance of alveolar epithelium after oleic acid-induced acu telung injury in rats
摘要 Objective:Impaired active fluid transport of al veolar epithelium may involve in the pathogenesis and resolution of alveolar ede ma. The objective of this study was to explore the changes in alveolar epithelia l liquid clearance during lung edema following acute lung injury induced by olei c acid. Methods:Forty-eight Wistar rats were randomly divided into si x groups, i.e., injured, amiloride, ouabain, amiloride plus ouabain and terbutal ine groups. Twenty-four hours after the induction of acute lung injury by intra venous oleic acid ( 0.25 ml/kg), 5% albumin solution with 1.5 μCi 12 5 I-labeled albumin (5 ml/kg) was delivered into both lungs via trachea. Alveo lar liquid clearance (ALC), extravascular lung water (EVLW) content and arterial blood gases were measured one hour thereafter. Results:At 24 h after the infusion of oleic acid, the rats dev eloped pulmonary edema and severe hypoxemia, with EVLW increased by 47.9 % and ALC decreased by 49.2 %. Addition of either 2×10 -3 M amiloride or 5× 10 -4 M ouabain to the instillation further reduced ALC and increased E VLW. ALC increased by approximately 63.7 % and EVLW decreased by 46.9 % wi th improved hypoxemia in the Terbutaline (10 -4 M) group, compared those in injured rats. A significant negative correlation was found between the incremen t of EVLW and the reduction of ALC. Conclusions:Active fluid transport of alveolar epithelium migh t play a role in the pathogenesis of lung edema in acute lung injury.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2004年第2期122-126,共5页 中华创伤杂志(英文版)
关键词 Respiratory distress syndrome adult Pulmonary ed ema Alveolar epithelial liquid clearance 急性肺损伤 动物模型 牙槽上皮细胞 油酸 离子转运
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