Objective To determine the sensitivity and accuracy of CT do ub le-contrast arthrography (CTA) in detecting underlying soft-tissue and bony abno rmalities of recurrent anterior glenohumeral dislocations. Methods From March 19 90 to May 2003, 31 patients with the signs and symptoms of recurrent anterior in stability, which were 23 males and 8 females with an average age of 26.7 years ( ranging, 22 to 46 years), were recruited for the study. All patients suffered fr om more than three times of glenohumeral dislocations, underwent CT arthrography after intraarticular injection of air and radiographic contrast medium before o peration. The surgical procedures included open Bristow operation in 25, Bankart operation in 3, Putti-Platt operation in 2, and a combination of Bankart and ca psular tightness operation by arthroscopy in 1. Each patient also underwent arth roscopy or open surgery and the observations were compared with CTA. Results Les ions of labrum and capsulo-ligamentous complex were the two most common abnormal ities demonstrated by surgical findings, which were respectively found in 28 and 20 patients at surgery. Anterior glenoid labral abnormalities, including of tea r, detachment, degeneration, were detected on CTA in 26 of 28, 2 of glenoid labr al degeneration were undetected on CTA, and the accuracy rate diagnosis on CTA w as 93.5%, while the sensitivity of CTA was 92.8%. Capsular lesions, including of marked medial scapular insertion, glenoid marginal stripping, and loss of inter vening scapular marginal soft tissues, were detected on CTA in 19 of 20, 1 of ca psular glenoid marginal stripping was undetected on CTA, and the accuracy rate d iagnosis on CTA was 87.1%, while, the sensitivity of CTA was 95%. Subscapularis tendon abnormalities, including of tears and irregularities, were visualized in 7 cases on CTA, but only 4 of which were identified during surgery. Furthermore, all of 15 Hill-Sachs defects, 6 Bankart bony defects, and 1 rupture of supraspi natus tendon suggested by CTA, were identified during surgery. For 26 of the pat ients with above kinds of lesion resulting in recurrent anterior glenohumeral di slocation, the accuracy rate of diagnosis was 83.7%. Conclusion The utilization of CT double-contrast arthrography can improve the understanding of multiple les ions associated with recurrent shoulder dislocation, it is contributed to select proper operative procedure.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics