Objective To analys is the his topatholog y res ult and the effect of s urg ery of Nevus.Metho ds We ana-lyz ed the his topatholog y res ult and vis ited the Nevus patients who have been cured by s urg ery in XiJ ing hos pi-tal.Res ults426Nevus patients are evaluated.Males cons tituted41.08%of the g roup and females58.92%.His topatholog y res ults:dermal nevus87.79%,junctional nevus0.93%,compound nevus6.82%,blue nevus4.46%;3month,6month,1year,2years after s urg ery res pectively,We called and vis ited the patients,they are s atis fied with the effect of s urg ery,the rate of s atis factory are91.8%?94.3%?97.3%?97.7%.No one was recurred.The patients are s atis fied with the curative effect.Co nclus io n Surg ery are the bes t choice for nevus.We s ug g es t that all the ne-vus be cut down and s end for his topatholog y examination.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine