Objective To find s uitable operation method for recons truction of lower nas al s oft tis s ue defects.Meth-o ds The defect were repaired by flaps from adjacent area,s uch as nas o-labial s ulcus flaps for9cas es of tip de-fect,refluent axial compos ite ear flaps for3cas es of ala defect,axial nas odors um flap for4cas es of tip-columel-la-ala defect,and frontal flap for6cas es of almos t total defect of tip-columella-ala.Res ult The defects were s atis factorily recons tructed both in color and texture.Co nclus io n Flap trans ported from adjacent area were ef-fective in recons truction of lower nas al s oft tis s ue defects.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine