

Association between polymorphisms of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene and pregnancy induced hypertension
摘要 目的 探讨中国人群中盐皮质激素受体基因 (MR)外显子 3上A76 0G多态性与妊高征的相关性。方法 以人外周血DNA为模板 ,通过聚合酶链式反应 -等位特异性寡核苷酸杂交 (PCR -ASO)方法测定 95例随机妇女、10 1例正常孕妇、6 0例妊高征妇女的MR外显子 3上A76 0G多态性频率。结果 MR外显子 3上A76 0G多态性位点中A等位基因和C等位基因在正常孕妇组中分别为 83.17%与 16 .83% ,在妊高征组中分别为 84 .17%与 15 .83% ,在随机人群组中分别为 86 .84 %与 13.16 %。结论 中国人群中MR基因外显子 3上存在A76 0G多态性 ,该多态性与妊高征不存在相关性。 Objective: to study the association of the A760G polymorphisms in the mineralocorticoid receptor gene with pregnancy induced hypertension in the Chinese population .Methods: We extracted the genome DNA form leukocyte ,used the PCR-ASO method to document the polymorphisms of the mineralocorticoid receptor gene in 95 random women controls?101 normal pregnancy woman and 60 pregnancy induced hypertension. Results: we found that the frequency of the A allele of the A760G is 83.17% and the G allele is 16.83% in the normal pregnancy woman, the frequency of the A allele of the A760G is 84.17% and the G allele is 15.83% in the pregnancy induced hypertension, the frequency of the A allele of the A760G is 86.84% and the G allele is 13.16% in the random women controls. Conclusion: The A760G polymorphism of mineralocorticoid receptor gene is exist in the Chinese population but not associated with pregnancy induced hypertension.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2004年第2期16-17,3,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 盐皮质激素受体基因(MR) 聚合酶链式反应-等位特异性寡核苷酸杂交(PCR-ASO) 妊高征 mineralocorticoid receptor gene (MR) PCR-ASO pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)
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