李时珍《本草纲目》博极医源 ,集明代以前医文药学之大成 ,汇诸家精华而成一学 ,融脏腑、经络、阴阳应象、用药法象等理论 ,结合临床治病 ,察病源 ,候病机 ,随证用药 ,务必谨守病机 ,杂合以治 。
Li Shizhen's work “Compendium of Materia Medica” is actually a gigantic one encompassing extensive and profound medical knowledge, converging creams of both medicine and medical substances before Ming Dynasty, and integrating the essence from great masters of various schools. This most comprehensive work expounds on the theory of Zangfu, meridians and collaterals, Yingyang and medication principles, and systematically illustrates the scientific connotation and characteristics of medication in related to administration of medicine on the basis of syndrome differentiation, which is marked by careful observation and exact identification of pathogenic factors and pathogenesis, as well as application of comprehensive treatment accordingly.
Journal of Henan University of Chinese Medicine
Compendium of Materia Medica
Li Shizhen
theory of micromedication