为了对亚太地区的环境灾害、环境破坏和环境退化及其影响进行监测和评估,由日本环境省发起的亚太地区环境革新战略项目(APEIS) 环境综合监测子项目(IEM) 自2001年开始,建立了一个以MODIS卫星数据和地面观测资料为基础的综合环境监视网络系统。该网络系统起初是由日本国立环境研究所(NIES) 和中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所(IGSNRR)共同合作建成的。之后,新加坡国立大学和澳大利亚联邦科学产业研究组织(CSIRO) 地球观测中心也正式宣布加入,该系统覆盖整个亚太地区。美国宇航局(NASA) 提供了一套MODIS的高级数据产品,然而,这些产品没能在亚洲地区利用当地的实测资料进行充分地比较和验证。APEIS项目旨在提供利用该地区精确地面观测数据进行了比较验证的高质量数据集。利用该数据集可以推导出水分亏缺指数、沙尘暴指数、地表面温度、土地覆盖变化, 以及净第一性生产量等一系列生态环境指标,从而对环境破坏、环境退化和生态脆弱区进行长期有效的监测。为了评价水资源、食物生产等生态系所提供的产品与服务的现状和变化特征,本研究还开发了一个可利用MODIS数据的流域环境综合管理模型。该模型已经被用于对流域规模的水、热、碳循环、泥沙转移以及农业生产等生态要素的模拟和评估。
Rapid population growth and economic development in the Asia-Pacific Region has resulted in serious local, national and regional environmental problems such as floods, droughts, forest fires, dust storms, air, water and soil pollution, desertification, salinization, water resource depletion, and soil erosion. Such problems are a serious constraint to sustainable development in the region.The Integrated Environmental Monitoring (IEM), a sub-project of Asia-Pacific Environmental Innovation Strategy (APEIS) project, aims to develop an integrated environmental monitoring system that can be used to detect, monitor and assess environmental disasters, degradation and their impacts in the Asia-Pacific Region. The system employs data primarily from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) sensor on the Earth Observation System (EOS)-Terra/Aqua satellite, as well as those from ground observations.The IEM achievements in the last two years can be concluded as follows:(1) IEM established an integrated monitoring network system under the auspices of the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) in Japan and the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in China, and expanded it with additional participation by the National University of Singapore and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia. The network has already covered most of the Asia-Pacific Region.(2) IEM also established two data-analyzing centers at NIES in Japan and IGSNRR in China. These centers store a wide variety of satellite data produced not only by different sensors, but also by various ground-based measurements. A data-processing system for deriving the higher order environmental indices from MODIS data was also completed. The products can be used to detect and monitor environmental disasters/degradations and indices for vulnerabilities. They can also be used as inputs to a range of models for assessing climate change, ecological conditions and agricultural production.(3) Although numerous satellite-derived indices in the Asia-Pacific Region have already been produced by other projects/organizations, most have yet to be calibrated or validated by ground-truth data so that they might contain significant uncertainties. Thus, IEM established five validation sites in a variety of ecosystems in China, as follows: grassland, dry field, paddy field, forest, and semi-arid area. The data gathered at these sites include information related to radiation, meteorology, and soil and vegetation. The data can be remotely downloaded through a satellite network. Using these consistent and quality assured datasets, IEM can produce accurate and reliable information specific to the region.(4) A MODIS data based integrated watershed management model is developed to assess conditions and changes in ecological goods and services such as fresh water resources and food production. With this model and the above information, strategic policy options for sustainable watershed management will be explored.
Acta Geographica Sinica
Integrated Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Innovation Strategy
watershed management model
environmental disasters
environmental degradations