采用层装配技术 ,利用高压液体制冷方式 ,把各个激光单元通过散热片串联起来 ,激光器工作时散发的热量通过散热片传导给液体制冷系统。对于不同占空比的二维半导体激光器列阵 ,中间通过插入不同厚度的无氧铜散热片 ,可有效的把不同负载的热量散发出去 ,保证器件有效工作 。
High power semiconductor laser arrays were fabricated by linear sub assembly method, which can be mounted on a high-pressure liquid cooler system, and dissipating heat dissipation can be conducted to the cooling system by spreaders. Inoxidized copper spreaders of different thickness were used between the elements for corresponding duty cycle arrays so that heat produced by different load can be transferred to the cooling system validly. This method can enhance the reliability of the device.
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
高功率半导体国家重点实验室基金项目资助(99JS3 6 3 3ZS3 60 4)