小波变换作为一种数学理论和方法在科学技术界引起了越来越多的关注和重视。本文通过阐述基于小波变换的Donoho软阈值去噪方法 ,旨在向读者展示小波变换在图像噪音消除方面的实际运用以及其前景。其中笔者具体对一幅加噪音图像进行Mallat算法仿真 ,其结果表明该去噪算法具有很强的实用性 ,很值得推广、运用。
Wavelet Transform,as a type of mathematical theory and method, has been attached more and more importances to in many scientific fields. Through introducing the Donoho soft-threshold-value De-noising method based on the WT, the purpose of this paper is to bring forth the practical uses of the WT in image processing and the bright future of the WT. At the meanwhile through showing the emulational outcomes of the Mallat agorithm on a specific digital image with noises, this paper indicates that such de-noising method is strongly useful in practical world and worths spreading.
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)