目的 :探讨纳络酮诱发吗啡成瘾大鼠条件性位置厌恶反应 (CPA)的影响因素。方法 :起始剂量分别为 6、12mg/kg吗啡以 2 0 %递增方式腹腔注射 (ip)致瘾 ,共 10天。分别在吗啡致瘾阶段或戒断后以 0 .5mg/kg、1.0mg/kg纳络酮诱发CPA。结果 :纳络酮可以诱导吗啡成瘾大鼠形成明显的CPA ;本研究中所采用的不同剂量吗啡和纳络酮对CPA形成没有明显差异 ;纳络酮诱发依赖期大鼠出现CPA ,而在戒断期大鼠却未出现。结论 :在吗啡依赖的致瘾阶段和戒断后进行行为训练对CPA建立具有不同的影响。
Objective :To study the effect of naloxone on the acquisition and retention of conditioned place aversion (CPA) in morphine treated rats .Methods :Rats were made physically dependent on morphine with the initiative dose (6or 12mg/kg)by intraperitoneal injection in 2 0 % increasedevery day within 10days,and were trained to develop CPA induced by naloxone (0 .5or 1.0mg/kg)ina biasedthree chamberconditionedplaceapparatus .Results :Naloxone produced distinct CPA in the morphine dependentrats .Nodose responserelationshiphas been found for morphine and naloxone in our experiment on the acquisition and retention of CPA in dependent rats .The conditioning training with naloxone produced CPA in the dependent rats ,however ,that with naloxone in the abstinent rats did not.Conclusions :Naloxone could play different roles in the acqusition of CPA at thephase of mor phine treated orabstinence in rats .
Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine
国家自然科学基金 (30 170 32 4
39970 2 5 6 )
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (KSCX2 SW 2 0 4 0 2 )
中国科学院研究生科学与社会实践资助专项 (创新研究类 )项目资助。