结合工程实践提出了城市轨道交通系统中1 500 V架空接触网电分段设置存在的问题,通过对受电弓过电分段可能产生的拉弧问题及对直流馈线保护的分析,提出将城市轨道交通系统架空接触网锚段关节形式的电分段设置在车站与牵引变电所同一端。
With reference of actual practices in the projects, the paper raises the existing problems in setting 1 500 V OCS electric sectioning in urban mass transit system, by analyzing the arcing which may occur as pantograph is passing through the electric sectioning and the protection of DC feeders, it proposes that the electric sectioning, in a type of contact line section of OCS in urban mass transit, shall be set in the same side of station and traction substation.
Electric Railway