利用人工合成的甘蓝型油菜品系No.2 12 7 17(白花、有芥酸 )与加拿大双低甘蓝型油菜品种Quantum(黄花、低芥酸 )配制杂交组合。对亲本、F1、BC1、F2 和DH(doubledhaploid) 5个世代的花色及芥酸含量进行分析 ,结果表明 :花色受单基因控制 ,且白花对黄花为显性 ;芥酸含量仅表现出一对基因的差异且具有加性效应的遗传模式。花色和芥酸含量的连锁分析表明 :白花与高芥酸紧密连锁 ,在DH群体中重组频率为 5 8%。采用集团分离分析法(BulkedSegregantAnalysis,BSA) ,从 6 85条 10个碱基的随机引物筛选到一个与黄花和低芥酸含量紧密连锁的RAPD标记S92 -14 0 0 。在遗传图谱上黄花基因和低芥酸基因距离S92 -14 0 0 标记的图距分别为 2 2cM和 5 4cM。
Brassica napus variety Quantum (yellow flower and low erucic content) as the female parent was crossed with a resynthesized Brassica napus line No.2127-17(white flower and high erucic content).The segregation ratios of the flower colour and the erucic acid content were analyzed in the F_1,BC_1,F_2,and DH(doubled haploid) populations.The results indicated that the white flower was dominant over yellow and the erucic acid content was additively inherited.Both traits fit with a monogenic inheritance model,respectively.There were strong evidences to support the linkage relationship between the flower colour and the erucic acid content in the C-genome of B.napus with a recombination frequency of 5.8% in the DH population.The BSA (bulked segregant analysis) strategy was employed to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker linked to the genes for the flower colour and erucic acid content in the DH population.Of 685 arbitrary 10-base pair(bp) primers,one primer S92 generated a RAPD marker S92_(-1400) that was tightly linked to the genes for the yellow flower and the low erucic acid content in the C-genome of B.napus L.The genetic distance of the genes for yellow flower and the low erucic acid content was 2.2 cM and 5.4 cM from the marker S92_(-1400),respectively.
973项目--农作物杂种优势及其利用的分子生物学基础 (编号 :2 0 0 1CB -10 88)~~