隐写术分析是检测、提取、破坏隐蔽载体中秘密信息的技术。检测方法可以分为对比检测和盲检测两类 ,由于通常得不到用于秘密通信的原始载体 ,因此一般使用盲检测方法。为使人们对基于图像的隐写术分析的研究现状和现有各种算法的优缺点有个概括了解 ,首先简要介绍了现有的多种图像隐写术分析方法 ,然后集中对分辨函数、χ2 检测和 RS检测 3种盲检测方法 ,从算法原理和实验结果两个方面进行了深入的分析 ,并且从算法的适用范围、检测效果等几个方面对这几种算法进行了比较。在保证误报率合理而尽量降低漏报率的前提下 ,给出了
Steganalysis is a technique of finding, distilling and destroying the hiding information in stego-cover. The methods of finding the hiding information can be divided into two kinds. One finds the secret information by contrasting the original cover and stego-cover, and the other ,named blind detection does not have the original cover for contrasting. The original cover for secret communication usually can't be obtained, so the blind detection is widely adopted. In order to give an outline of the research work of steganalysis and compare the advantages and disadvantages of various methods available now, some analysis methods are introduced. The discrimination function test, χ 2-test and RS-test are analyzed from both principle and experiment results, and comparisons of the three methods above are also given in certain aspects, such as the applicability and effectiveness of tests. The thresholds of RS-test are selected at the condition of minimizing the ratio of missed detection while keeping the number of false accusations reasonable.
Journal of Image and Graphics
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