名校长的成功机制研究是当今校长学研究的重要课题之一。本文通过深入细致的实地访谈和观察分析 ,揭示了江苏省名校长袁浩成功的因素 :正确的角色定位和适时的角色转换 ;校本发展 ;师者文化的吸收与内化 ;嗜学与善学 ;视角多元化与行动多角度等。
The study of the mechanism of success for prominent school principals is one of the important research subjects in the study of the contemporary science of school principals. This paper, through profound and careful interviews and observation and analysis, delineates the factors of success of Yuan Hao, a well-known headmaster in Jiangsu Province: a correct placement and timely shift of self status; School-based development; adoption and internalization of the teacher culture; being eager for and expert at learning; multi-dimensional vision and multi-angle actions
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)
江苏省教育科研重大课题<江苏省名校长名教师成长机制与规律的整合研究>(项目编号 :苏教所 2 0 0 2 (2 )号
主持人 :王铁军教授 )的子课题