虽然当前国内兴办民办高等教育的势头方兴未艾 ,但不能否认民办高等教育的发展已经进入了瓶颈 ,遇到了很多问题 ,如果不尽快采取有效对策来突破这一桎梏 ,将可能阻碍我国民办高等教育事业的进一步发展。
The tendency of running non-governmental tertiary education is in full swing, but there is no denying that its development of has entered the bottle neck. It is faced with a lot of problems, and if no quick and effective measures are taken to make a breakthrough to the confinement, it will hinder the cause of non-governmental tertiary education from going further.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)