长期忽视的个体德育制约了德育质量的提升 ,导致了人的生存问题 ,压抑了人的充分发展。德育工作对个体的深入关注不仅是提高德育实效性、科学性的需要 ,也是真正实现人的和谐、充分发展的需要。转变德育观念、改革德育方法、建立德育服务机构。
The long term ignorance of the individual moral education restrains the improvement of the quality of moral education. As a result, it causes the problem of one's existence and constrains one's full development. The focus on the individual moral education will not only raise its effectiveness and scientific degree, but also truly realize the people's harmony and full development. Such measures as changing our ideas about moral education, reforming our moral education teaching method, setting up moral education service organization, improving the qualities of the teachers of moral education will be good tries for the individual moral education.
Journal of Shijiazhuang College of Applied Technology
河北省社科规划研究 2 0 0 1年项目 (2 0 0 10 10 2 0 )