王安忆的《长恨歌》以缜密平实的笔致书写了一个女人的生际浮沉 ,展示了一座城市于此间琐细平凡的生活情态 ,构架起了小说的两重叙事 :表层叙事与深层叙事。在这人与城的故事叙述中 ,渗透着作家对世俗人生的一种感怀 ,由此也体现出作家对世俗人生与日常生活的一种独特的历史意识。
The novel describes ups and downs of a woman in a meticulous and natural style and unfolds the trifling and common living scenes of the city she lives in.These compose two layers narrative of the novel:the surface layer narrative and the profound narrative.The views of the author about the conventional life permanent the whole narrative and shows the writer's special historical consciousness while she is feeling and comprehending the conventional life and daily life
Journal of Shijiazhuang College of Applied Technology